Forever 5: A Tale of Noma

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Once upon a time, in a small village of kanchii, there was a little girl named Zara. Zara was a lively and happy five-year-old who loved playing with her friends and chasing after chickens…kukuku… Zara looked forward to when she would grow older and start her own poultry farm. But one day, something changed her dreams. 

She noticed a small sore on her cheek. It started as a tiny bump but soon grew and grew  into a painful and swollen mass. Zara started to feel sick and her face started to hurt.She would cry all day and night but the pain only got worse. Over the next few weeks, the sore grew larger and larger and larger and it spread to other parts of her face. One day Zara woke up and her teeth started to fall off one by one, then she looked in the mirror and saw that her lips and cheeks began to disappear. Zara was so scared that she ran to her parents ” Papa,Mama what is happening to me.

Her parents were frightened as Zara’s face started to look funny, they also didn’t know what was wrong. Soon the villagers began whispering that the Gods were punishing Zara and her family. Zara’s parents started to apply herbs on her face with the hope that her face will go back to normal, but it only got worse. 

Unfortunately Zara’s family was very poor and didn’t have enough food to eat not to talk of money for treatment. They lived on a diet of only rice and water and did not have access to clean water or proper sanitation. Zara’s condition got worse and worse and she soon passed away without seeing her sixth birthday. Zara’s dreams were buried along with her in her tiny little grave outside of the village.

Her death was a mystery to everyone. The villagers didn’t understand why she had died and thought it was because of a curse from the Gods. They were scared of Zara’s family and didn’t want to be near them. Zars’s family had to move away from the village because they didn’t feel welcome anymore.

But the truth was, Zara had died from a disease called NOMA. NOMA is a terrible disease that can happen to children who don’t have enough good food, clean water snd can’ttake care of their teeth well. It can cause sores on their face and can make them very sick.

The lesson from Zara’s story is that NOMA is not a curse from the Gods. It’s a disease that can be prevented by making sure children have enough good food and clean water. There are many myths in Africa about NOMA, but the truth is, it’s a real disease that can be prevented.

Zara’s story is a sad one, but it’s also a story of hope. It’s a reminder to all of us that by spreading the word about NOMA and how to prevent it, we can help make sure that other children don’t have to suffer like Zara did.

Lessons Learned

We should always be kind and understanding to others, even if we don’t understand their circumstances.

It’s important to educate ourselves about diseases and how to prevent them. There are many myths about Noma and other diseases in Africa, but by learning the facts, we can help prevent others from suffering like Zara did.

What are the myths surrounding NOMA disease in Africa

Myth: Noma is contagious. Fact: Noma is not contagious and is caused by a combination of factors including malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, and a compromised immune system.

Myth: Noma is a curse or punishment from the gods. Fact: Noma is a medical condition and not a result of supernatural causes.

Myth: Noma can be cured through traditional medicine or rituals. Fact: Noma requires surgical intervention and antibiotics to treat the underlying infections, as well as rehabilitation and support for the affected person and their family.

Myth: Noma is a rare disease. Fact: Noma is a neglected tropical disease affecting thousands of people in sub-Saharan Africa and is highly prevalent in communities affected by poverty and food insecurity.

These myths can prevent people from seeking proper medical care and lead to stigma and discrimination for those affected by Noma. It’s important to educate communities about the true causes and treatment options for Noma to reduce its impact.

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